Toll-Free: 1-844-838-2628
Tony Roberts, CA(SA), MBA
Yacht Broker - Maple Bay Marina, BC
Cell:250-893-6133***A Calibre Yacht Sales *Gold Seal Program* listing. (“Gold Seal” denotes that the vendor has done a pre-purchase survey and mechanical inspection)***
It is so wonderful to now be in the prime of my life! And this gal is ready for a new adventure! My current custodian no longer has enough time to go adventuring with me. That leaves me no option but to cast my wake a bit wider and post this advertisement pleading for a new partner. Don’t get me wrong, I’m quite happy playing in my own backyard in the Pacific Northwest, but I now want to spread my sails wing-on-wing once again. I had a small taste of it several years ago when I cruised down the coast to Mexico and spent a couple of seasons in the Sea of Cortez. After we returned, it was back to coastal sailing close to home. As lovely as that is, with cheese and wine served on the aft deck at sunset in secluded coves – and all that, I’m getting somewhat bored and want to spread my wings again and cast off my mooring lines and feel the warm trade-winds fill my beautiful custom-made sails!
The Surveyor’s reports just completed are “clean”. They left a copies on my chart table for your inspection. So, do yourself a favour. Come and check me out. Romance me, let your imagination run wild! Let’s you and I have a quiet discussion. You will be so glad you did!
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines! Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover! (attributed to Mark Twain)
Seriously now, this is your broker speaking:
Here we have an exceptional vessel which is purpose built to take its crew to any port in the world easily, comfortably, and safely. Look at the specification analysis on
Expect 200 NM days in the trade winds! But more importantly, this vessel is easily singlehanded and is a pure joy to sail. The Hydrovane wind self-steering keeps her consistently on course and frees the crew from tiring spells at the helm, especially in snotty weather, and also serves as an emergency rudder in the unlikely event of rudder-failure. Scot Free IV is fast on any point of sail, and performs particularly well close hauled on upwind legs.
A comprehensive and well planned sail inventory is at your disposal, including a gennaker for light-wind conditions, and at the other end of the scale there is both storm jib and trysail for extreme conditions. The cockpit is a delight for both skipper and crew with everything easily to hand. Primary winches are oversized and all primaries are self-tailing.
The novice sailor will love her rock steady stability and very forgiving nature. When sailed conservatively, she will overlook your boo-boos and keep you safe.
Experienced “old-salts” however, can push her to her absolute limits with confidence and aplomb, win competitions and collect trophies!
It has been said that if you are returning to your boat in a dinghy, and your vessel at anchor is not the most beautiful in the whole bay, its time to trade-up. With Scot Free IV that will never be the case as the Hylas 42 is one of the most handsome vessels every designed! It is typically “Swan” quality and visual good looks, but on a budget. This is not surprising because she is the proud creation of the Freres design team who also designed the Swan series of very high-end vessels. Step aboard and it feels as if you are on a Swan.
Down below everything is designed for crew comfort. Storage is very generous. The passageway to the aft master cabin houses the huge galley which allows the chef to wedge snugly and safely in all conditions and have the use of both hands. Both the salon and the sleeping areas exude a very pleasing ambience that excels in this top-end vessel. Ventilation is exceptional. There is all-around engine access thanks to the powerplant having removable panels on all sides.
At this price no other cruising vessel of this quality comes even close. Navigation and electronics are all latest generation. So are the sails. You will be totally self sufficient off the grid thanks to an abundance of solar energy and huge fridge and freezer! Storage galore!
Come and check out the comprehensive and exceptionally clean and detailed pre-purchase surveys, both Mechanical and also Hull and Systems.
Engine #1
All sails custom-built by the legendary Carol Haas sailmaker in Port Townsend 2021.
38 photos
Tony Roberts, CA(SA), MBA
Yacht Broker - Maple Bay Marina, BC
tony@calibreyachts.comTony Roberts, CA(SA), MBA
Yacht Broker - Maple Bay Marina, BC